【is mccann's steel cut oatmeal gluten free】No matter how long you've been at this, your small business is now a startup

Whether you've been operating 10 days,is mccann's steel cut oatmeal gluten free 10 months, or 10 years, it’s time for a "makeover" for your small business. If you’re going to survive and thrive in the COVID-19-dominated economy, it’s time to think of your small business as a startup.

Remember what it was like? You had an idea, a dream. You didn't know how it was going to turn out but you seized any opportunities that came your way, continually changed as you learned more about your business, and worked long and hard. But you believed in yourself.

【is mccann's steel cut oatmeal gluten free】No matter how long you've been at this, your small business is now a startup

It's time to do that again, given that customers' buying habits and needs have changed. It can be scary, but it can also be exciting. And most of all, it's necessary.

【is mccann's steel cut oatmeal gluten free】No matter how long you've been at this, your small business is now a startup

Launching a product this year:

【is mccann's steel cut oatmeal gluten free】No matter how long you've been at this, your small business is now a startup

How to launch a small business product and get sales? Here's how I'm doing it

Small biz owners:

Do these 2 things to get more sales now

I recently examined the kind of steps small business owners need to take now while writing my new book, "

The Sh*t’s Hit the Fan: Now What?! 99 Recession-Proof Tips for Small Business Success

." I realized that it not only took tactics but also attitudes.

In a recession, no matter how long you've been in business, you are actually starting fresh, anew.

► Actual startups: If you are just starting, there's a good chance you'll have to veer away from your original concept, change your business model, even dramatically change the kinds of goods or services you thought you were going to offer. That's OK – most startups have to change course early on, regardless of economic conditions.

► Existing businesses: Sure, it's going to be more challenging to think of yourself as a startup – but it's a good way to approach running your company right now. Of course, you probably have some baggage that real startups don't have: leases, bills, inventory, employees and more. But you also have a wealth of resources startups don't have, like loyal customers, vendor relations, experienced employees and industry knowledge.

Perhaps it's time to think like a startup.

Even if you didn’t have to "pivot" before, as COVID-19 cases start surging again, we're likely to see more business closures and customers changing their habits. That means embracing the idea of pivoting and pivoting again.

A quick pivot could lead to long-term success

Some restaurant and food service owners have had to find other sources of revenue during this time: online cooking classes, selling meal kits, offering groceries.

A small chain of ice cream stores in Seattle

– which made their own ice cream – started packaging and selling their ice cream to grocery stores. In doing so, the owner added a new long-term line of business, helping her not only survive in the short run but grow substantially.

That ice cream store owner may have been in business for many years, but her grocery ice cream business was, in essence, a startup.

In my business, we too, have to embrace startup thinking. I'm in publishing and if I were starting my business today, instead of 20 years ago, I would certainly be thinking digital first. So, with our new book, we first thought of it as an e-book and are putting our marketing efforts into digital sales.

Embracing the idea of being a startup gives you more energy and a more positive outlook. Like a startup, you'll learn lots of new things. The way your business – and yourself – will thrive, not just survive, is by growing in new directions.

Yes, like a startup, you'll have some volatility. If you've been in business for a while, you'll probably have to put in more hours than you did in some recent years. That can be daunting, but hard work never frightened any entrepreneur, right?

Think of yourself as a smart, experienced startup. Let that experience and knowledge guide you – not handicap you – as you launch the next phase of your business.

Rhonda Abrams' newest book "

The Sh*t’s Hit the Fan: Now What, 99 Recession-Proof Tips for Small Business Success

" has just been released. Rhonda was named a "Top 30 Global Guru" for Startups. Connect with Rhonda on






. Register for Rhonda’s free business tips newsletter at



The views and opinions expressed in this column are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of USA TODAY.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY:

Why all small businesses need to think like a startup right now

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